2020 Sep Q7

Discussion in 'CM2' started by Darragh Kelly, Apr 9, 2022.

  1. Darragh Kelly

    Darragh Kelly Ton up Member


    Just want to clarify the last bit of acted sol Q7 (ii) of 2020 sept paper.

    I follow the solution regarding the requirements for A to replicate B and the definition of a self financing portfolio. It's just last bit on putting the 2 above statements together. My understand is that because A is replicating B, and A is self financing, therefore any change in the value of porfolio B (ie value of derivative Dt), must be matched by a change in the value of portfolio A because we've said already its replicating it? ie that's why we can say dDt = at*dSt + bt*dCt?, it replicates/tracks the changes?


    Last edited: Apr 9, 2022
  2. Steve Hales

    Steve Hales ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    Yes, that's right. The components at and bt remain constant over the interval between t and t+dt and yet the value of the portfolio changes to match the value of the derivative.
    Bill SD likes this.
  3. Darragh Kelly

    Darragh Kelly Ton up Member

    Thanks for your help all clear now Steve.

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