2 subjects in one session

Discussion in 'General study / exams' started by kika258, Sep 19, 2011.

  1. kika258

    kika258 Member

    I work full-time and so far have studied one subject at a session, passed CT1 last april, sitting for CT 7 this session and hopefully will manage to get CT3 exempt.

    From CT4,5,6,8 which do you think would be the best combination to sit for 2 exams next April? Or is that a bit too impossible to do 2 subjects together with a full time job?

    Would appreciate any feedback!

  2. Edwin

    Edwin Member

    CT6 and CT8, CT6 is assumed in CT8. Good combo, join me i'm sitting CT8 this April and doing CT6 and CT4 via Varsity!
  3. tiger

    tiger Member

    I sat & passed CT1-8 while in a full time job (no study leave). Didn't have a strategy, the sequence I did was:
    CT2 & CT3 (I found the work load for CT2 relatively light)
    CT4 & CT5 (some overlap, but two of the tougher exams)
    CT6 & CT7 (my stats was rusty, so luckily I found CT7 relatively light).
    CT8 (probably the toughest CT).

    As well as the extra work load with 2 exams, you need to think about how you'll switch back & over between the subjects, especially as you get closer to the exam date.
    Hope this helps.
  4. I can't say anything about CT6, 7 and 8 as I haven't studied for these so far, but CT4 and CT5 seem to go quite well together.
    And I wouldn't say two exams is too much with a full time job, I sat CT1, CT2 and CT3 in April (albeit they're maybe not as tough as some other CTs)

    Also - the syllabus for CT8 (here) doesn't seem to suggest prior knowledge of CT6 is assumed?
  5. Edwin

    Edwin Member

    Rebecca the notes read (CT8); ''some of the Maths required for this subject is quite advanced- up to degree standard. The techniques covered in Subjects CT1, CT3 and CT6 will be treated as assumed knowledge and the theory will build on these''

    Not the syllabus.
  6. Calum

    Calum Member

    The only thing to really add to the above is to consider which, if any, you can apply to your current work - if you're in life pricing, then 4 and 5, GI 4 and 6, etc.

    You know your own abilities and other commitments, so only you can decide whether more than one is too much. I would say that most study two at least and often three. And one a session means it will take a looooong time to progress through the whole lot...
  7. mattt78

    mattt78 Member

    A few thoughts:

    • CT6 will have some relevance to work in GI
    • I don't think you'll find much overlap between any of them
    • CT8 is a toughy
    • CT7 is less mathsy, and relatively easy, in terms of pass rates at least. And if you’ve ever studied any economics before then you’ll be at an advantage.
    • How easy/difficult you found CT3 will be a good indicator of how easy/difficult you’ll find CT6.
    • I did CT8 before CT6, and don’t think I was at any disadvantage.
  8. Oxymoron

    Oxymoron Ton up Member

    Matt, there is one part of CT6 - curtate expectation of a lognormal distribution, that I found really useful while deriving option prices from scratch (there was one particular question where the payoff was max[(St-K)^2,0] where this was applied). There are work arounds of course, but IMHO, CT8 will be better appreciated with prior knowledge of CT6.
  9. kika258

    kika258 Member

    Thanks everyone for your feedback.

    I am considering sitting for CT2 and CT6, since i took into consideration even the time table (i wish the exams to be a week apart).

    So far i chose to sit for one at a time to make sure I pass.... but now i'm realising it's going to take me ages to finish the whole lot! So I thought to speed up the process :)

    Thanks again everyone.

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