Tips on passing the exams

Discussion in 'SP9' started by ALEX_AK, Feb 7, 2019.

  1. ALEX_AK

    ALEX_AK Member

    hello, can anyone who has passed or the tutors share some tips on passing the exam?
    What are the things that I should do to make sure that I pass the exam? There is a lot of material to memorise and closer to the exam, I tend to forget most of it.
    almost_there likes this.
  2. Calm

    Calm Ton up Member

    I'm not so sure how this works for the non-CT series, because I haven't reached that point yet.

    But what I do is to start with the tutorials (ActEd's ones and/or those from your Prof). Then I try to summarize each chapter into a few lines (preferably independently from anything that ActEd provides) so that it is easy to revise from i.e. you see the acronym or short phrase, you can generate the formula and whatever points you may need. And of course practice the Assignment X series, past year papers (I aim for 10+ of these) and/or school papers where applicable, clarifying your doubts with the Prof when possible.
  3. mugono

    mugono Ton up Member

    The later exams needs lots of practice. The material in general isn't difficult; but the key to passing is exam technique. Write in bullet points and elliminate waffle. To pass you generally need to include both bookwork and application points. The latter is all about tailoring your answers to the actual question - harder to do than you might think o_O.

    The exams are about equipping students with the tools to be effective Actuaries. I would therefore caution against passing based on memory. Focus on understanding the principles the exams are trying to teach / convey. You can thank me later :)
    Bill SD likes this.
  4. Bidza

    Bidza Member

    I think Mugono has summed it up pretty well. In addition I would say remember to keep a big picture view about the course. understand how the different sections and chapters link. This is quite important for the exam as you will have to come up with solutions that link the different principles . I would also spend a lot of time practicing questions. I found that this helped me develop a better appreciation of the concepts.
  5. ALEX_AK

    ALEX_AK Member

    1) Is using the flash card and summary booklet from the Actuarial Education Company useful?
    2) There seems to be so much to memorise. What is the best way to commit the materials into memory? Using mnemonics or mindmap? Or just keep practising questions will do?
    3) Is memorising the flash cards and summary booklet, and practising tons of questions effective?
  6. Net Premium

    Net Premium Member

    Everything and anything can be useful - but we're all different and you need to work out what works for you. If you're lucky enough to read something and remember it then great. But if not then writing things down six times, or speaking them aloud, or using mnemonics, acronyms, pictures etc, may be needed to commit something to memory.
    However, the main thing to do is have a go at as many questions as you can. This will implicitly do some of the above without stopping to actually do it. And if you don't get close to 100%, make a note to do it again.
    Good luck.
  7. patron

    patron Member

    What methods did you find useful when you passed ST9/SP9?
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 22, 2019
  8. Infinity

    Infinity Member

    Yes yes. Me of course changing the topic. I did ST3, ST7 and ST8. I failed ST3 because I got caught bringing the wrong calculator to the exam. Then I had to start all over again and take ST7 and ST8. The way to pass these exams is to not bother to buy the Acted notes. They are too long and boring to read. Buy the core reading from the IFOA (in India if they allow you to as it’s cheaper although British people are not allowed). Memorize the core reading into your short term memory as it’s generally useless information which you’ll never use again and get on to past papers. Do as many past papers as you can. Like 20 or 30. Fail the exam at least once. Forget everything since it takes the IFoA so long to mark the papers. Try to go on holiday and if you can fit it in with your other work/family commitments. Then study the same rubbish all over again and hopefully pass, otherwise repeat many times over and eventually pass, never knowing why you failed in the first place, except if they take your name down since you used the wrong calculator.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 22, 2019
  9. Sheena Bajaj

    Sheena Bajaj Made first post

    There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to pass an exam depends on the individual and the specific exam. However, here are a few general tips that may help:

    1. Make a study schedule and stick to it.
    2. Get plenty of rest and exercise; both help improve focus and concentration.
    3. Take practice exams; this will help you become familiar with the format of the real thing, as well as what kind of questions are likely to be asked.
    4. Don't cram at the last minute – give yourself time to learn the material gradually and thoroughly.
    5. Eat healthy foods; they help keep your energy level up and your mind clear.
    6. Take breaks regularly and allow yourself time to relax; too much studying can lead to burnout.
    7. Stay positive, confident, and focused; reminding yourself that you can do it!

    Whatever you learn in a day, try to practice it more so you can become familiar with the format and do not forget anything you learned.
    Hope these tips are helpful!
    Ppan13 likes this.

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