Work based skills

I asked for similar clarification recently, pretty sure it is just the most recent consecutive 3 years you need evidence for (unless you have good evidence of a reason for a gap in that 3 years such as pregnancy/ illness in which case I think you have to evidence the most recent 3 years around the gap)
Hi, I have a few questions, I'd be really grateful if someone can answer.
I am submitting a mixture of 2 years WBS & 1 year PPD so I have a few questions.

Formal learning - do I only need to have 20 hours (30 hours *2/3) in my logs?
Log forms - is it OK to type up everything on the computer and then print off the forms to get the signatures?
Submitting forms - how are the forms submitted? Can anyone give me a link or advise please.

Hi, I have a few questions, I'd be really grateful if someone can answer.
I am submitting a mixture of 2 years WBS & 1 year PPD so I have a few questions.

Formal learning - do I only need to have 20 hours (30 hours *2/3) in my logs?
Log forms - is it OK to type up everything on the computer and then print off the forms to get the signatures?
Submitting forms - how are the forms submitted? Can anyone give me a link or advise please.


Does anyone know about the above please? :)
I have had a look at the Institute's website. It is not clear, but I would say it is reasonable to have 20 hours in your WBS logs. There is a table at the very bottom of the following link that suggests this. Though it appears to refer to pre-2004 joiners I suspect its intended to refer to anyone who is doing a mix of WBS/PPD as I can't find anything else on the website to suggest otherwise:

For the log forms, typing them up on the computer and then printing them off to be signed is the approach I took. I recommend scanning them back onto the computer after they have been signed in case they get lost.

Log forms can be sent electronically or by post. I sent mine by post but electronically is probably better. The following link gives more detail:

I recommend thoroughly reading everything you can find on the Institute's website relating the WBS/PPD to make sure you cover all the requirements you need. In particular, look at the examples so you know how much detail you need to give. There is a WBS guide and PPD guide that contains most of the information you need:

WBS guide: WBS Guide 2018_2.pdf

PPD guide: Guide A4 V15 WEB (3).pdf

There are other "Related documents" given at the bottom of many pages on the Institutes' website, so it is worth looking at these as well as they may contain other information not provided on the website itself.
I do sympathise with you - it is not always easy to navigate the Institute's website, and it does not help that you now need to understand and comply with two sets of requirements.
I have had a look at the Institute's website. It is not clear, but I would say it is reasonable to have 20 hours in your WBS logs. There is a table at the very bottom of the following link that suggests this. Though it appears to refer to pre-2004 joiners I suspect its intended to refer to anyone who is doing a mix of WBS/PPD as I can't find anything else on the website to suggest otherwise:

For the log forms, typing them up on the computer and then printing them off to be signed is the approach I took. I recommend scanning them back onto the computer after they have been signed in case they get lost.

Log forms can be sent electronically or by post. I sent mine by post but electronically is probably better. The following link gives more detail:

I recommend thoroughly reading everything you can find on the Institute's website relating the WBS/PPD to make sure you cover all the requirements you need. In particular, look at the examples so you know how much detail you need to give. There is a WBS guide and PPD guide that contains most of the information you need:

WBS guide: WBS Guide 2018_2.pdf

PPD guide: Guide A4 V15 WEB (3).pdf

There are other "Related documents" given at the bottom of many pages on the Institutes' website, so it is worth looking at these as well as they may contain other information not provided on the website itself.
I do sympathise with you - it is not always easy to navigate the Institute's website, and it does not help that you now need to understand and comply with two sets of requirements.
Thank you for your help on this, its cleared up my questions, I will be sure to read about the requirements so that I don't miss anything.
I'm sitting my final exam in September, therefore (hopefully) qualifying in December. At present, I am in my second PPD year, but my anniversary is the end of October, so by the time I receive results, I will be in my third PPD year. On the Final Sign Off form (, it says the following near the top:

If you have started a new PPD year, the minimum requirement of 3 credits and 2 formal learning hours for this year should be completed in full before you submit your documents to us.

As I will be part way through my third PPD year, does this mean I only have to do 3 years of PPD, or will I still need to do 1 year of WBS along with 2 PPD years?
I'm sitting my final exam in September, therefore (hopefully) qualifying in December. At present, I am in my second PPD year, but my anniversary is the end of October, so by the time I receive results, I will be in my third PPD year. On the Final Sign Off form (, it says the following near the top:

If you have started a new PPD year, the minimum requirement of 3 credits and 2 formal learning hours for this year should be completed in full before you submit your documents to us.

As I will be part way through my third PPD year, does this mean I only have to do 3 years of PPD, or will I still need to do 1 year of WBS along with 2 PPD years?

And following on from this, if I do have to do one year's worth of WBS, do I have to cover all 7 competencies, seeing as the minimum number of questions I'd need to do is 4? I've met all 4 of the compulsory PPD competencies, so can I just choose any 4 of the WBS questions?
And following on from this, if I do have to do one year's worth of WBS, do I have to cover all 7 competencies, seeing as the minimum number of questions I'd need to do is 4? I've met all 4 of the compulsory PPD competencies, so can I just choose any 4 of the WBS questions?

I believe the intention of WBS was to answer the competency questions over the course of your student career, so ideally, you should already have 1 year's worth of WBS documentation and competency questions ready to submit. However, a major flaw with the WBS scheme was that it wasn't monitored and so many students left it all to do once they'd passed the exams. I'm guessing you don't have 1 year's worth of WBS to submit, else you wouldn't be asking the question!

If you have already answered 4 questions, I would submit these alongside your PPD. The minimum requirement to qualify is 3 years worth of PPD, which would imply that submitting WBS as well isn't mandatory. However, as others have already pointed out, there is some ambiguity around this, as you should be able to demonstrate your actuarial progression since the beginning of your actuarial career, accounting for any career gaps. I'd recommend going above the minimum requirements, for security, and submitting 4 years of WBS/PPD, particularly as your 4th year will only be a partial year in terms of work experience.

Under the WBS scheme, you had to cover all 7 competencies over the course of your student career, so it would be unreasonable to expect you to complete them all in one year alone. Your best option would be to cover 4 different competencies that you were able to demonstrate in your first year.
I have had a look at the Institute's website. It is not clear, but I would say it is reasonable to have 20 hours in your WBS logs. There is a table at the very bottom of the following link that suggests this. Though it appears to refer to pre-2004 joiners I suspect its intended to refer to anyone who is doing a mix of WBS/PPD as I can't find anything else on the website to suggest otherwise:

For the log forms, typing them up on the computer and then printing them off to be signed is the approach I took. I recommend scanning them back onto the computer after they have been signed in case they get lost.

Log forms can be sent electronically or by post. I sent mine by post but electronically is probably better. The following link gives more detail:

I recommend thoroughly reading everything you can find on the Institute's website relating the WBS/PPD to make sure you cover all the requirements you need. In particular, look at the examples so you know how much detail you need to give. There is a WBS guide and PPD guide that contains most of the information you need:

WBS guide: WBS Guide 2018_2.pdf

PPD guide: Guide A4 V15 WEB (3).pdf

There are other "Related documents" given at the bottom of many pages on the Institutes' website, so it is worth looking at these as well as they may contain other information not provided on the website itself.
I do sympathise with you - it is not always easy to navigate the Institute's website, and it does not help that you now need to understand and comply with two sets of requirements.

Do you know if its OK to include all the review questions answered in one single file when sending it on? Or is a separate file for each question needed? It would be easier to have just one file but I want to be sure if anyone has any feedback.
For the review questions, is an average of approx 550 words OK as long as the detail is there? I know it says 500-1000 words.
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Do you know if its OK to include all the review questions answered in one single file when sending it on? Or is a separate file for each question needed? It would be easier to have just one file but I want to be sure if anyone has any feedback.
For the review questions, is an average of approx 550 words OK as long as the detail is there? I know it says 500-1000 words.

From the website:

  • Logs should be emailed in either a PDF or Word format (no jpeg or photos) clearly labelled and in date order. For example: Log 1 and ARN; Log 2 and ARN; Final Sign Off and ARN; Review question C3 and ARN etc.
  • If logs are not received in this format they will be sent back to you to correct before they can be processed.
  • You may post your logs to Education Services if you prefer.
  • If you are submitting a mixture of Work-based Skills and PPD this should be indicated clearly in date order on the final sign off form with any gaps explained.

So, I'd say send them in separate files, with each file clearly labelled. I think this is why I went down the old-fashioned postal route to avoid the faff of ensuring the files were in the correct format and the worry that they would become corrupt on route - but I was probably being paranoid!

The 500-1000 word guide gives a minimum and maximum word limit per question - so I would stick with this. Being able to explain yourself in a certain number of words (not too many, not too few) is considered by some to be a key actuarial skill, which used to be tested as part of the communication exam! Though I doubt anyone will do a word count on a paper copy if you decide to send by post...
Does anyone know if you have to do the 4 mandatory areas in PPD each year? Read through the guide and it didn't say. I don't think but wanted to check...
Does anyone know if you have to do the 4 mandatory areas in PPD each year? Read through the guide and it didn't say. I don't think but wanted to check...

No. There's no requirement to do them all every year. You just need to make sure you've covered all 4 by the time you qualify
I'm sitting my final exam in September, therefore (hopefully) qualifying in December. At present, I am in my second PPD year, but my anniversary is the end of October, so by the time I receive results, I will be in my third PPD year. On the Final Sign Off form (, it says the following near the top:

If you have started a new PPD year, the minimum requirement of 3 credits and 2 formal learning hours for this year should be completed in full before you submit your documents to us.

As I will be part way through my third PPD year, does this mean I only have to do 3 years of PPD, or will I still need to do 1 year of WBS along with 2 PPD years?
Hi Steve, did you get an answer to the question in the last paragraph? I'm in a very similar position with an anniversary date in November and wondering what i need to submit to qualify. Did you do what Marzipan suggested an do 1 full year of WBS, 2 full years of PPD and one partial year of PPD?
Hi Steve, did you get an answer to the question in the last paragraph? I'm in a very similar position with an anniversary date in November and wondering what i need to submit to qualify. Did you do what Marzipan suggested an do 1 full year of WBS, 2 full years of PPD and one partial year of PPD?
Hi Steve and Kevin, im in the same boat only mine is a 5 day gap and i would not be able to meaningfully complete any ppd credits in that time. Did you guys manage to find out the answer?
Hi Steve and Kevin, im in the same boat only mine is a 5 day gap and i would not be able to meaningfully complete any ppd credits in that time. Did you guys manage to find out the answer?
If you submit your sign off form within 2 months of your PPD anniversary you don't have to complete the partial year from end of PPD period to now. If you submit it 2 months after your PPD anniversary you do have to complete a partial PPD period.
If you submit your sign off form within 2 months of your PPD anniversary you don't have to complete the partial year from end of PPD period to now. If you submit it 2 months after your PPD anniversary you do have to complete a partial PPD period.
Awesome, thanks for the clarification Kevin!
PPD is discriminatory. IFoA let plenty of people get their Fellowship through their various arrangements who have never done it.