IFoA Mathematics

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Haha! I have to say I love the sarcasm! :D:D:D
I think you should run for president of the iFoa. Maybe the campaign slogan could be "To Infinity and beyond" :D:D

But seriously your suggestion is to quit? Have you taken the exams how long did it take you to finish or where are you in the process?
Haha! I have to say I love the sarcasm! :D:D:D
I think you should run for president of the iFoa. Maybe the campaign slogan could be "To Infinity and beyond" :D:D

You can’t become president of the ifoa. For this privilidged position where you earn 400k you need to be part of the old boys club. Have you not read the Kingman review published today? The FRC appointments process is part of the reason they were closed down.
You can’t become president of the ifoa. For this privilidged position where you earn 400k you need to be part of the old boys club.
I think you might be mixing up the CEO and the President. :oops:
I think you might be mixing up the CEO and the President. :oops:

Sorry you’re right. But in any case same rules apply. You have to be a qualified actuary. Students have no vote and no say. You seem to have a good knowledge of the IFOA executive framework. I thought you didn’t want to read my posts?
But seriously your suggestion is to quit? Have you taken the exams how long did it take you to finish or where are you in the process?

My suggestion is to consider evaluating your circumstances and pursuit of these exams. If you want to continue, you definitely should. It's just that from all your posts, they seem to have brought you a lot of dread and misery, hence my suggestion. (I'm only suggesting, not encouraging).
I've been taking the exams for some time now and have had my fair share of hardship, so I'm not commenting from a casual standpoint.
Anyway you know what is best for you, so all the best!
You can’t become president of the ifoa. For this privilidged position where you earn 400k you need to be part of the old boys club. Have you not read the Kingman review published today? The FRC appointments process is part of the reason they were closed down.

Unfortunately I haven't. I was too busy in the kitchen ;)
I think you might be mixing up the CEO and the President. :oops:

What has this got to do with my OP and why has Acted not deleted any posts? Have they been closed down like the FRC? Has anyone got any constructive comments about the Kingman review? The IFoA is now a headless chicken. Oh wasn’t it that already?
I would like to continue. I would like to take the 3 exams that I thought I would have to take to qualify. It is not my fault that I’ve been told that I have to do six exams now and also study for 250 hours plus another 250 hours if I fail, instead of 125. On top of that I’m expected to study the same rubbish all over again.
In any case why is Acted not doing something here. I’m going to have to set up a new post regarding the Kingman review
Lol :D I think you've made about half of the posts on the last two pages. Your OP wasn't about Kingman. People are already discussing Kingman in a thread in Off-topics. See you there!!
I would like to continue. I would like to take the 3 exams that I thought I would have to take to qualify. It is not my fault that I’ve been told that I have to do six exams now and also study for 250 hours plus another 250 hours if I fail, instead of 125. On top of that I’m expected to study the same rubbish all over again.

"Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe" - St. Augustine.

Good luck!

Remember, Positive mindset = Positive result
"Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe" - St. Augustine.

Good luck!

Remember, Positive mindset = Positive result

Ok I’m positive the ifoa will be exposed for what they really are and shut down like their own oversight body the FRC
What has this got to do with my OP and why has Acted not deleted any posts? Have they been closed down like the FRC? Has anyone got any constructive comments about the Kingman review? The IFoA is now a headless chicken. Oh wasn’t it that already?

FRC's shameful non-oversight failed to stop, or even tweak, the IFoA's new curriculum to ensure Mr Cribb's promise was kept that no one would be disadvantaged. FRC never published any complaints about IFoA nor do we see any mentioned in the IFoA/FRC minutes of meetings. Furthemore FOI requests to find out about IFoA complaints refused. Shameful stuff. None of that is in the public interest.
Have a look at this website, it may have the data you need. You may know about this already!


Thanks for sending this. It does contain some useful information. Unfortunately, it only starts at 2007, so it cuts off people who have taken exams for more than a decade of which there are many. Also people with exemptions are excluded and there are a lot of people with a lot of exemptions. Due to these two facts, the numbers are quite on the positive side, i.e suggesting that people qualify a lot faster than is really the case.

The fact of the matter is that the IFoA should provide these statistics and not some third party.

It's clear to see that hardly anyone qualifies in the 3 years without any exam failure which is the only official quoted number on the IFoA webpage. The IFoA have updated this recently but only after the complaint was taken externally. I have complained to the IFoA about this same topic and as you may have seen from previous posts, I was complete fobbed off.

What are other peoples take on the stats on this website?
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How is your decision to keep all your posts relating to this on the forum overload thread, infinity?
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