Wider fielda

Discussion in 'Careers' started by LMac, Jul 4, 2018.

  1. LMac

    LMac Member


    Just wondering if anyone has elected to go into a different field other than the traditional actuarial fields (pensions, life, insurance, investments etc)

    My background is that I have been working in pensions for the last 6 years. I have all the exams with the exception of the final 2 specialist exams.

    I’m coming to the end of my studies and for the last 2 years or so I have had the feeling that being a pensions actuary may not just be for me (however I am not sure if this is down to my exhaustion in attempting to balance work, life and study). I’m also concerned about he future of DB pensions. With more and more schemes moving to self sufficiency and closing the long term future doesn’t look good.

    I had expressed an interest in risk management to a recruiter but I was dismayed that it was suggested I would have to start as a risk analyst (graduate role) despite holding the Chartered Enterprise Risk Actuary designation and working as a pension consultant for the previous 5 years.

    I am also interested in data analytics and would consider this an interesting career move.

    So I guess a couple of questions (to anyone who has made it to the end of this post!):
    1. Anyone else unhappy in their current role and thinking of switching industry?
    2. For those who have moved away from actuarial could you give more information on what field you moved into and why?
    3. For those with CERA, have any of you moved into more risk management roles? If so what was your initial role?
    Any advice or comments from those also considering a change would be welcomed.


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