Sep 2015 P1 sample solution

Discussion in 'CP2' started by pyuille_1609, Apr 10, 2019.

  1. pyuille_1609

    pyuille_1609 Member


    Can someone pleeease put my mind at ease and confirm there was an error in the Excel solution for this paper?
    In particular, the data validation of the random numbers... the check should be that there are no numbers greater than 1, correct?
    I'm seeing that the entry in cell B9 on the 'Data Validation' tab says "Number less than 1"..... this is wrong, init?
    It makes me wonder if I would be penalised for an error like that in the exam?

  2. pyuille_1609

    pyuille_1609 Member

    for ease of reference, here is the sample solution file...

    Attached Files:

  3. Dar_Shan0209

    Dar_Shan0209 Ton up Member

    Hello Pyuille,

    Yes, I can confirm that to validate your data, you would need to check whether the data conforms to a uniform distribution of U(0,1). Hence, you will need to check that are no such numbers less than zero and greater than one.

    If you left a typo in the Excel but you communicated well your methodology in your audit trail and your formula reads well. I don't think you will be penalised for this.

    pyuille_1609 likes this.

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