Planning my studies




CT6 is one of the 3 courses I'm about to study in time for September.

I'm not in actuarial work so haven't got any friends to ask these question.

To help me plan my studies, could someone say please:

Which chapters of CT6 are more difficult than most?
Which chapters of CT6 are easier than most?

CT2, 4 are the others I'm studying

Chapter 1 : Easy: Just takes some question practice
Chapter 2 and 3 is easy if your Mathematical Statistics are up to standard.
Chapter 4-6: More difficult than other chapters.
Chapter 7-9: Easy enough.

Just a tip. Study chapter 2 and chapter 8 together. (Bayes and credibility theory) Since they go together.

I haven't done chapter 10- end so can't say much about that, other than that I heard that last chapter is hard.

Good luck.
(CT4 is more difficult than CT6 given an adequate MathStats knowledge, so focus on CT4)

Subject for September

I'm considering doing CT6. I just did 4 & 8 in April and even though I thought I was quite well prepared for 8 the exam was unerving first sitting. CT4 is another story all together.

Is CT6 easier than CT5 ?

I'm thinking of doing just the 1 subject. Not starting to study til mid June. But wanted to order stuff from now.

I haven't done CT5 yet, but I didn't find CT6 too hard. Certainly easier than CT4. Having said that, the exam was awful, and I'm fairly sure I failed it. But that's cos of a hard exam rather than a hard syllabus.
Trinidad, unluckily you started off with the most difficult two exams. CT6 really isn't that hard, it's definitely easier than CT4,5,8. Again said if your mathstats is OK you shouldn't have problems.

Good luck.