Nov 2014 F201 exam Q1 (iii) - Please help

Discussion in 'South Africa' started by Reinier, Oct 13, 2015.

  1. Reinier

    Reinier Member


    Please can someone help with this question?

    a) The first calculation under the solution to Q1) iii) states:

    "Reserves as per Regulation 29 amount to R1 244.2 million (914.3 + 329.9)"

    Please can someone explain where the 914.3 comes from since I think it should be 822.3? If I use the 822.3 then making the two reserve depleting options breakeven (i.e. increasing reserves by 329.9) still does not meet the solvency requirement of 25% (822.3+329.9 = 1152.2; 1152.2/4770.3 = 24.15% < 25%).

    b) Also, the second calculation in the solution states:
    "Overall the scheme would need at least an additional 24.1% = (0.25*4332.9 – 822.3)/(0.25*4322.9) increase over and above the average 9.26% increase already put through (average overall increase = (1.0926) * (1.241) -1 = 35.6%) in order to reach a solvency level of 25%."

    Please can someone explain this to me, since 4322.9*1.241 (the extra increase mentioned above) = 5377.1? Also, the costs (HC and non-HC) and other income remain the same. The increase in Risk Contribution is 824.9 (5377.1-910*1.241-3422.9) making allowance for Member savings (originally 910) to be retained in same proportions as before - 25%, 15%, 10% and 0% for each of the four options. This means the increase in surplus and reserves is also 824.9 since expenditure did not increase. The resultant reserve is then 824.9+822.3 = 1647.2 and solvency is 1647.2/5377.1 = 30.6% which is significantly more than 25%.

    By my calculation, increasing overall contributions by an extra 11.15% gives:

    Gross contribution = 4332.9*1.1115=4816.1
    Risk contribution = 3422.9*1.1115 = 3804.5
    HC exp = 3216.9
    Non-HC exp = 211.2
    Other inc = 65

    Total members funds = 874.8+(3804.5-3422.9) = 1256.4
    Reval. res = (52.5)
    Acc. funds per Reg 29 = 1203.9

    Solvency = 1203.9/4816.1 = 25%

    Sorry for the long post and hopefully it is clear, but I really need some guidance on where I'm going wrong/what am I missing.


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