How to check if a process is brownian motion or a martingale?

Discussion in 'CT8' started by CorkActuary, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. CorkActuary

    CorkActuary Member

    A little stuck on this topic. The lectures I have are not very clear and I don't have a copy of the CT8 Acted Notes :(

    For example:
    1) Is Bt^2 - t a martingale?
    2) Is (1/c)Bct a Brownian Motion?
  2. Oxymoron

    Oxymoron Ton up Member

    Start off by expanding any Brownian motion term as increments :-
    = (Bt - Bs + Bs)^2
    = (Bt-Bs)^2 + Bs^2 + 2*(Bt-Bs)*Bs

    Now take expectation :-
    = E[(Bt-Bs)^2 + Bs^2 + 2*(Bt-Bs)*Bs]
    =E[(Bt-Bs)^2] + E[Bs^2] + 2*E[(Bt-Bs)]*E[Bs] :- independence property of Brownian motion increments
    = (t-s) + s + 0
    = t

    E(Bt^2) = t
    => E(Bt^2 - t) = 0

    Hence it's a martingale.

    For part II, apply mean, variance and covariance properties and check the results. Properties of Bt should be the same as (1/c)Bct

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