
Discussion in 'General study / exams' started by henwood13, Apr 28, 2008.

  1. henwood13

    henwood13 Member

    I'm considering my options for September and looking at the possibility of taking CT5. In the Study Guide for CT5 it states that you should have studied CT1 and CT3 before...which I have. However I have heard others say that CT4 is better studied before CT5.

    Does anybody have any opinions on this?
  2. didster

    didster Member

    Not completely sure about how the "new" exams work but CT5 uses some notation for survival probabilities etc, which is covered in CT4. I'm not sure if the Core Reading/Acted Notes also covers this material (again) in CT5.

    You definately need to familiar with CT1 and to an extent CT3.
  3. MissAussie

    MissAussie Member

    copied from another thread as I've heard that CT5 should be done before CT4:

    CT4 is a complex course, I say leave it for later when your actuarial training has developed more, it does however, require a more advanced mathematics understanding, which i am sure John H's maths degree will come in use and a good statistical knowledge which you can develop from CT3 and CT6
    The survival models part of CT4 does assume you know about demographic concepts, which is covered in depth in CT5
    I would advise you NOT to do CT4 before CT5, but possibly doing them together or CT5 BEFORE CT4
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 24, 2008
  4. MissAussie

    MissAussie Member

    also from another thread:

    If I were asked to number the CT courses, I would re-number them in the order of
    CT1, CT2 , CT7, CT3, CT5, CT6, CT4 and CT8
  5. MissAussie

    MissAussie Member

    Interesting thread here on whether to do CT5 before CT4. I'm currently working out what to do for my next lot of exams.

    I work in GI so I have done CT1, 3, 6. (hope I passed CT6 in Sept!)


    Really undecided about whether to do CT5 & 4 together, or whether this would be too technical & a lot of work.

    If I split CT4 and CT5 up over different semesters, which should I do first? Or should I do them together?

    Thanks in advance :D
  6. For all of us who did these when they were 100 series, you're probably going to have to help us along here.

    I always get confused by what happened to the numbering system!

    What are CT4 and CT5 nowadays? i seem to remember 103 and 104 got combined into one of the CTs but can't remember which.
  7. Ricegirl

    Ricegirl Member

    Parts of 103 and 104 were combined into CT4. The other bits of 103 were spread out over various subjects, and some of 104 went into CT5 I think. When I did them, 104 definitely came before 105 and seemed to follow on, so you'd have struggled if you hadn't studied 104. Now that they've split it up, they may have put the bits of 104 that were more relevant to 105 into CT5, so doing CT4 first might not be such an issue.

    Hope that makes sense! :)
  8. MissAussie

    MissAussie Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 25, 2008
  9. I think that CT4 will be the most difficult if 103 and 104 were combined into it. I thought those two were fairly substantial courses by themselves; so combined they will be even bigger!

    If CT5 is still mostly old 105, I thought it was easier than 104 but that might be personal preference....

    I did these at university and we had bits of 104 before 105 and bits of 104 at the same time as 105.

    Only thing I can suggest (without checking the new syllabus etc etc) is that if this is what you're thinking of for next sitting; you might as well order both CMPs and then see what fits you best (as the notes won't change before the September sitting anyway; and even if you don't sit in September for any reason I can't see there being a vast change before April 2010).

    The CT4 one might be better for you if you like the stochastic side of it as there was a bit of stats and so on in it. Old 103 was covered at the same time as 104 and 105, and a bit even later (it was split into 3 at university).

    My course through exams -
    107, 108 and parts 102 1st year university
    102 (final), 104 (part), 101 ('all' but some covered in 1st year) 2nd year university
    103 (part), 104 (final), 105 (all), 106, 109 3rd year university
    103 (final), 300 series (all - but not all exempt!) 4th year university

    CA3 (201) was not covered at university.
    BAM didn't exist (or the new CA2 either...)
  10. MissAussie

    MissAussie Member


    I've decided to do CT4 and CT5 together. That way I'm free to do CT7 (relatively easy) with CT8 (which I've heard is pretty hard, so I don't want to pair CT8 with any other mathematical ones like CT4 and CT5)

    I really appreciate this forum and the kind ppl who post on it! :D

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