Coronavirus effect on exams

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This is turning into a joke of a situation - like on well and good saying this might go online. But even having CP2 and CP3 going ahead shows total disregard for students - what about the students who planned to do these exams in offices which are now closed - or which they are no longer premitted to go to. What about students who planned to do it in a quiet house - which now has 5 people in it all day long, now have children at home that they have to mind etc.

As for the written exams online - Where do you even start with these - so many questioins - that i doubt the institure even care about

Can i have my notes in front of me?
Will they expect poeple to record thmselves - what if you don't have a camera, what if you have a bad connection - do you have to record the whole room, what if you leave the room to go to bathroom, what if you have your notes on your screen. What if you mate is in the same room doing the exam, becasue there is no where else for him to be.
What if you can't type as fast as you can write?
what if you don't have access to Microsofe Office at home - what if you have a Macbook at home?

Will it be platform based, or sent by email - what if the the platform crashes, or i don't get an email?

Will the exam be still the same lenght in time - given i can't write.
Will they expect peopel to print the exam out, and scan up the answers - what if you don't have a scanner.

Will they expect new software to be installed to eliminate cheating - what if you don't have admin access to your laptop.
What do you do for sum based questions - can you use excel? can you upload excel?
What if you can't upload your answers.

So many questoins, and like given folk no time whatsoever to get used to a new platform. given one of the exam is commuincation - the IFoA would really struggle to pass an exam like this themselves.

Finally - they say on their website
Owing to the current COVID-19 situation all IFoA employees are now working remotely. This will significantly reduce our ability to respond to phone calls so we would ask that all enquiries are made by e-mail.

Like why does working remotely impact how of a phone is answered - Surely there would look at getting virutal phones for all their staff, or their calls would be forwarded to their phones at home or work phones - or is it maybe because their employees have familes to look after and hence it's hard to work and look after children, yet they seem to think studying/planning for an exam that might happen, while also having those responsibilities is ok?

really is a joke of an organisation when you think of it.
I'm still in shock that a delay of a further week is what they have decided is the best update right now.

It is so unlikely that the institute is going to read this forum, so if you are genuinely upset by this non-decision then email them to voice your annoyance.
The issue with emailing the institute is that you receive an almost carbon copy of their update. It is very dissapointing but the response from the institute makes it seem like they don't care at all.
CM1 is scheduled 3 weeks today and I am still unclear of whether the exam is even taking place. With an update next week I will only find out a max of 2 weeks before the exam date. Embarrassing. If the government can decide to put a country on lockdown then an institute can decide whether or not to hold an exam.. there's bigger things going on in the world right now.
This is turning into a joke of a situation - like on well and good saying this might go online. But even having CP2 and CP3 going ahead shows total disregard for students - what about the students who planned to do these exams in offices which are now closed - or which they are no longer premitted to go to. What about students who planned to do it in a quiet house - which now has 5 people in it all day long, now have children at home that they have to mind etc.

As for the written exams online - Where do you even start with these - so many questioins - that i doubt the institure even care about

Can i have my notes in front of me?
Will they expect poeple to record thmselves - what if you don't have a camera, what if you have a bad connection - do you have to record the whole room, what if you leave the room to go to bathroom, what if you have your notes on your screen. What if you mate is in the same room doing the exam, becasue there is no where else for him to be.
What if you can't type as fast as you can write?
what if you don't have access to Microsofe Office at home - what if you have a Macbook at home?

Will it be platform based, or sent by email - what if the the platform crashes, or i don't get an email?

Will the exam be still the same lenght in time - given i can't write.
Will they expect peopel to print the exam out, and scan up the answers - what if you don't have a scanner.

Will they expect new software to be installed to eliminate cheating - what if you don't have admin access to your laptop.
What do you do for sum based questions - can you use excel? can you upload excel?
What if you can't upload your answers.

So many questoins, and like given folk no time whatsoever to get used to a new platform. given one of the exam is commuincation - the IFoA would really struggle to pass an exam like this themselves.

Finally - they say on their website

Like why does working remotely impact how of a phone is answered - Surely there would look at getting virutal phones for all their staff, or their calls would be forwarded to their phones at home or work phones - or is it maybe because their employees have familes to look after and hence it's hard to work and look after children, yet they seem to think studying/planning for an exam that might happen, while also having those responsibilities is ok?

really is a joke of an organisation when you think of it.

Have to totally agree that holding even online exams in these trying conditions shows a disregard for students wellbeing. Children make the situation quite complicated in writing exam in the house now that office or library option is no longer there.

I would have thought getting essentials is proving arduous in circumstances such as these so exams unfortunately have taken a bit of a backseat. I was really hoping for a bit of a postponement in exams - even a month would have helped to recalibrate to personal circumstances but NO is the answer.

Very disappointed with IFOA response. Not sure refunds would apply to CP2/3.

Emails are being virtually disregarded and getting directed to the official update.
How is this institute any more wiser than others that have postponed or cancelled. Even Olympics have now finally been cancelled. GCSEs and ALEVELS which are way more important than a 6 month delay in qualification etc have been cancelled. This is shocking to say the least.
I am very disappointed in them. How do people write online exams at home with kids or other family members. offices are closed so that is not an option. The PM asked libraries etc to close so no option there either.
I hope the tutors here have a way of letting them know what we have written here.
There is a mechanism of feedback I heard through local actuarial associations but am afraid that may be on how exams went rather than before.
new update says theyll have a concrete update this week

We're all upset with how the situation has been handled, but some things should very well be very obvious by now e.g. that no written examinations will take place on the original dates, whether in original format or online.

If the institute is offering candidates the opportunity to cancel for a refund, whats the fuss all about? that it's unfair that others may still choose to write? really?

and we keep talking about worrying about personal progression being delayed etc.. right now, in this crisis?

that said, the IFoA has just been disappointing in it's communication.
makes me think they're trying to minimise cancellations -> refunds.. did they even have some sort of insurance for a time like this. would be ironic if they didnt
I think having been given some clarity on CP2 + CP3 I feel a bit more at ease. Although I am overseas and have to sit my exam at 3am here. There is a curfew in place which prevents me from going into work to sit it (unless I literally sleep in the office) and I don't have the adequate setup at home to sit these exams.

I agree with the sentiment mentioned above about no clarity on refunds for CP3 + CP2... it's all a complete mess. I think its a testament to the other actuarial bodies that they came to their conclusions so quickly, IFoA has come out as the real loser after all of this.
Right now we can hope for the best solution to come through. It is a decision that has to be taken from the top board, and it is not up to one individual to make the final call. This is a good example of how well they are ready for crisis situations.

I am going for a refund of my paper, but I will be giving the CP2 exam for sure.

@AlexLky, see if you can get a refund for CP2 exam as well. If you have proper reasons for the same, then I think you will get a refund. But they may give you a tough time regarding this.

Lets wait and see what outcome comes in their next update, which will probably come in the next 48 hours or so. Till then, stay indoors and stay safe.
BBC Posted at 16:42
BREAKING: UK seeks 250,000 NHS volunteers
Health Secretary Matt Hancock says they are looking for 250,000 "NHS volunteers" to help national health service employees with "shopping, delivery of medicines and to support those who are shielded"

Fancy helping the national effort...

IFOA: "Lets get these exams up and running. Studying after work is important"

Absolutely crazy...

Lead by example.
Glad to see almost everyone agrees this is a shambles. I'd love to be a virtual fly on the virtual wall of the education committee virtual meetings right now - possibly the only place you'd get a few good belly laughs these days.

I also understand that the IFoA probably don't read these comments but it's therapeutic to vent right? I need somewhere to share my frustration. I'd also encourage everyone to make sure someone with a direct line into the feedback loop at the IFoA is hearing their opinions, whether it be their rep in the office or via email to education services etc.

Just cancel the written exams. The 'online' exams, which after another update we understand as CP2 and CP3, can go ahead without really disadvantaging people. I can understand if students wanted to use office space/equipment but unless you don't have a personal computer then it shouldn't be a huge deal. Regarding written exams, I'll re-iterate my opinion that whatever short term solution they devise will be unfair to both the students having to quickly adapt to write the exam and previous cohorts of students who have passed the exams - consistency has to be retained in order to maintain credibility of qualification. Not to mention the untold chaos that could ensue should the IFoA try to move exams online with about a month of prep time. How do the ensure they clearly communicate the changes to participating students given they can't clearly articulate their plans for updating us... Maybe they should all write CP3 again in April too.

Anyway, rant over, I'm going back to studying, or not studying, I'm not sure.
Absolute shambles, here is the reply you get when raising concerns to the institute, which should be the first port of call.

"Dear Student

Thank you for your email.

We are currently looking at both timetabling and resources for the April exams. We are also continuing to look at options including moving to an online assessment or possibly to a postponement. We can confirm that our students will be given options for their April exam registrations which respond to their personal circumstances.

We will confirm the arrangements as soon as possible"
BBC Posted at 16:42
BREAKING: UK seeks 250,000 NHS volunteers
Health Secretary Matt Hancock says they are looking for 250,000 "NHS volunteers" to help national health service employees with "shopping, delivery of medicines and to support those who are shielded"

Fancy helping the national effort...

IFOA: "Lets get these exams up and running. Studying after work is important"

Absolutely crazy...

Lead by example.

I'd strongly encourage every non vulnerable student to do the same. There will always be another exam session but what about another national crisis. In 20 years time you won't remember the exams you sat during this session but you will remember who you helped.
Hi - where do we register to volunteer for the NHS? Keen to do my bit.
Stay safe all.
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