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Tables Document


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Hello all,

I am planning to sit the Sem 1 CM1 exam and have been working my way through the CMP. However, I have only been able to find a hard copy of the Tables to purchase which I have ordered, but will likely have to wait a week due to shipping. Is there an ebook for the Tables or an excel/PDF file which I am able to purchase or download to continue studying while I wait for the hardcopy to arrive? Thanks!
The Institute and Faculty of Actuaries used to have a link on their website to a pdf copy which students could use. However, they removed this a year or so ago - I believe this was due to issues with copyright restrictions.

However, if you google something such as "Actuarial Tables UK Exams" you may well find there are other sources available.

I absolutely cannot warrant for the accuracy or validity of using anything which you find that way, especially given the reason the IFoA removed their previous link was to do with copyright restrictions. If you do use anything you find in that way, it is at your own risk, and it is absolutely good and sensible that you have ordered the hard copy (most people also find hard copies easier to work with at speed during exam conditions and during the exam itself).

All the best with your studies