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Relevance of CA1 papers pre 2019

Hi Singingmyblues

There's a really great tread on this that can be found here. In particular, you'll find the first message from my colleague Helen - giving the changes that occurred between CA1 and CP1 - very useful.

Much of the CA1 exam questions are still very relevant for CP1 - we use a lot of questions from CA1 in our Revision Notes product. The Revision Notes cover different areas of the course in 11 booklets, giving question and answer coverage of the IFoA Core Reading and the corresponding exam questions and solutions. This is useful as it allows exam question practice to be focused on a particular area of CP1 if needed.

All the best with your studies.
Hi - looks like the link might have been missed from the response above, so here it is for where I think James was likely pointing you:

We are not expecting there to be a 'new exam format' in April 2025 as such, other than returning to the exams being sat in a closed book environment. There may be a return to some more explicitly bookwork-based questions (although not necessarily), but bear in mind that CP1 (and CA1 before it) has always been more about being able to demonstrate understanding of the course content and then apply it to given scenarios, often quite unusual ones. Hence we do not expect material changes as a result of the move to closed book, and all past papers continue to be great sources of practice material.