• ActEd's new exam question product, The Vault, is now available to purchase. More details on our website.

ASET papers 2019 and prior


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Hi I'm posting here cause I'm not sure where to ask. I noticed the ASET materials for 2019 and prior sittings are now not listed on the Acted store, for all subjects. May I ask if Acted intended to stop selling ASET materials for these old papers moving forward, or could it be just a bug? I can't see any announcement like that anywhere in the website. If that is really the case, I only have one more paper left, is there any way possible for me to still get the old ASET materials for that subject? Many thanks.
We plan to include them as part of a new online product, which should be released early in the new year. (If you want to attempt papers before that then we recommend using them from the IFoA website.)
Hello, I've bought the standard ASETS pack for CM2 and CP3, but I had made the order and the payment before it was announced that the exams will be closed-book. Is the new product, which you are referring to, going to be a free extension to the ASETS that we have already bought to make the purchase more fair given the change of the exam format?
There will be discounted prices for previous purchasers of ASET (or Revision Notes). This is because the content of the new product will overlap with the content of ASET (not because of the change in exam format).