ASET Paper 1 model spreadsheet

Discussion in 'CP2' started by JosephS, Feb 15, 2024.

  1. JosephS

    JosephS Made first post


    In the Acted CP2 webpage, if I scroll right to the end, I can see excel files for each year for Papers 1 and 2.

    However, the Paper 1 file is just the data provided for the exam. Where can I find the ASET model solution for Paper 1?

  2. Sarah Byrne

    Sarah Byrne ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    Hi Joseph

    The ASET solutions are available in The Hub. You should be able to log in (using details provided by ActEd) and have access to a course with all the information available (you get access to the courses based on the materials you purchase). If you have any issues drop our customer service team an email ( and they will be able to help.

  3. JosephS

    JosephS Made first post

    Thank you!

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