"Discuss" questions answer format

Discussion in 'CP1' started by Ben Hughes, Apr 7, 2023.

  1. Ben Hughes

    Ben Hughes Made first post

    When going through some past papers, I have noticed that in the mark scheme for the "Discuss" questions they have mentioned about some candidates turning it into a list rather than explaining it. However, for some questions (e.g. April 2021 Q8 iii) it seems more appropriate to use a list format. When answering these questions, can you use a list format as long as you develop each point sufficiently?

    nilaniraj likes this.
  2. Bill SD

    Bill SD Very Active Member

    TLDR: Yes, agree with you. [But I'm only a humble, fellow student]

    Presume you're referring to the Paper One Q: "The scheme managers are proposing to directly invest in residential property. The proposal will involve buying the land, developing properties and then renting them to private tenants.
    (iii) Discuss the risks involved with investing in this proposal. [6]"
    And suggest that you see Lyndsey's response to the related post on Q8 (i): Breadth of Answers | Actuarial Education (acted.co.uk) which is also a 'Discuss' question.
    And i guess your comment about mark scheme refers to the Examiners comment on Q5(ii) in the same exam that they "felt in places that a “list” was being given rather than answering the command verb being asked for."

    You're right that (even for 'Discuss' Qs) different contexts may require different answer structures but i guess the common factor is (like Examiners report instructs for Q5(ii)) to: "Give marks only if the issue has some discussion included with it".

    -For Q8(i) can't just list the acronym (Spread, Yield, Marketability etc) without explaining its relevance (eg. need to at least say if direct property will likely be high/low marketability); or
    -For Q8(iii) need to provide examples for each risk (see the numerous ones mentioned in Examiners Report like limits on rent, poor weather, gains tax, downturn in economy...) And ideally highlight where a risk can be seen from different perspectives/have alternative outcomes (Examiners Report: "properties may not be attractive to local residents (either due to location or type of property) Alternative recently built properties may be more attractive...")
    Hope this helps and happy to 'discuss' (lol).
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2023

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