April 2021 SP-9 Exam Result


Harsh Agarwal

I have received my SP-9 exam result and again I failed by around 3-4 marks. This was my third attempt to this paper. In my first two attempts also I have failed this paper by around 3-4 marks.

I really don't understand where I am going wrong because even if I go through the marks breakdown and compare it with the Examiners report, I always feel that I should have received around 70-75. I have passed almost all other papers which I appeared till date in 1st or 2nd attempt. I was wondering whether I should give it another attempt or should I try another SP paper because I can't find the reason why I am failing this paper. Is it the way I am writing my answer? Is the information provided by me not sufficient?

I have practical work experience in ERM and still not able to clear this paper but I managed to clear other papers which are not related to it in any manner.

Any insights or suggestions from anyone would be really helpful on where I could be going wrong or whether I should stop giving any more attempts to this paper.
I don't have a view on whether you should retake or move on as I don't feel I have the necessary information to form an opinion.

The significant discrepancy between how you rate your scripts (at 70-75%) and the standardised pass mark (around 60%) makes me think that getting an independent comparison might be a way forward. The aims might be to identify key divergences, analyse whether there are any common themes, and then consider how they might be addressed / mitigated (e.g. using particular exam skills). Perhaps you have a colleague who might help you with this?
Apologies for being late to the debate here.

I agree with David, I would get a colleague (who has done SP9) to look at your script vs the Examiners' Report if you can. To add to David's excellent suggestions, I wonder if it is also worth looking at the language that you've used vs the language the examiners have used. It may help explain why the points are not being awarded, eg if the language / terminology used is not obviously signalling to the markers that you have the point.

Having recently written the ASET for the April 2021 exam, it became clear to me from the Examiners' Report that they are after tailoring to the question. Generic points are not getting the marks. The points need to link to the info given in the question. This is a difficult skill to nail well ... but wondering if some of your ideas were not awarded points because they were deemed too generic.

All just suggestions so feel free to dismiss if they are not hitting the spot Harsh.

Good luck with what you decide to do.
Thanks for the suggestions.
I asked my manager who is a CERA to review my answers.
He feels that I am applying too much of my practical experience rather than the bookish knowledge due to which my points are not getting considered.
Anna also raised a very good point that I may not be linking my answers to the question scenario. I will also take this into account in this attempt.

Thanks for the suggestions.
I asked my manager who is a CERA to review my answers.
He feels that I am applying too much of my practical experience rather than the bookish knowledge due to which my points are not getting considered.
Anna also raised a very good point that I may not be linking my answers to the question scenario. I will also take this into account in this attempt.

I would expect that practical answers would score higher than bookwork in a SP/SA level paper :|