2022 exams update??

Discussion in 'General study / exams' started by Syed M Arsalan Farooq, Jul 6, 2021.

  1. Hi all,

    I hope you're all good.

    Just want to know whether IFoA will be conducting 2022 exams online or are there any plans to shift back to exam centres?

    Finding it really hard to clear exams online. Failed last 2 attempts of CM1. Even after practicing. Typing on MS Word is in itself a challenge.

    How can we effectively communicate to IFoA to shift towards exam centres?
  2. DM261

    DM261 Active Member

    So my question would be, if they were moved back to exam centres could they still be open book? As in, you attend the exam centre to write the paper but you are still allowed to bring along both printed and electronic resources as you would at home?

    I can understand some candidates desire to handwrite the exams, particularly CM1/CM2/CS1/CS2 (I maintain that the CB/CP/SP/SA exams are easier if typed, but that's personal opinion) but I really don't want to lose the open book element of the exams.

    The reason for this is that in the past it felt as though the exams (Particularly the later ones) were a test of memory rather than a test of understanding. I feel that open book exams are a better way to differentiate good quality candidates.
  3. mavvj

    mavvj Ton up Member

    I wouldn't be surprised if CM1/2 and CS1/2 went back to exam centres but the rest carried on as they are.
  4. almost_there

    almost_there Member

    IFoA seems to like the online exams. They made a surplus for first time in years. Going back to exam venues will increase their costs.
  5. padasala

    padasala Ton up Member

    I prefer the online exams in all honesty. I have really crappy handwriting and typing it out helps enormously.

    I also feel that the open book exam helps in testing the understanding of the concepts rather than just plain rote learning
  6. mavvj

    mavvj Ton up Member

    I agree as far as non mathematical exams go. However, I feel that plagiarism concerns should be dealt with through the marking system rather than the disciplinary system.

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