How to learn R programming

Discussion in 'CS1' started by Rishav, Feb 25, 2019.

  1. Rishav

    Rishav Member

    I was hoping to sit the CS1 exam, but I don't know anything about the R programming.
    Can anyone please tell me how to learn R.
    Also, will it the taught in the course notes provided by Acted?
    Thanks in advance for the help.
  2. Hobbs

    Hobbs Member

    The Part B Online Resources (PBOR) materials step you through the basic mechanics you will need. it is not a general programming course, but if you've done any other language at all you shouldn't have many troubles.
  3. Rishav

    Rishav Member

    I haven't done any language before
    But will the PBOR teach this much as is required to pass the exam?
  4. Calm

    Calm Ton up Member

    Since I passed CT3, I would not be seeing the CS1 material.
    However, when I bought the CS2 material, there is a PDF that explains everything you need to know about R, and another PDF that goes through how you would use the relevant R code to complete questions that could come out in the B paper. It's really useful and if you understand and memorize what's given you will probably do well.
  5. Rishav

    Rishav Member

  6. Infinity

    Infinity Member

    Why would I want to learn this?
  7. Calm

    Calm Ton up Member

    Because, exams aside, I just used R to run some company-specific time series and learned how useful it is to get results, in addition to the fact that there's lots to learn about that software. Although why it's become an exam is another thing. :)
  8. Infinity

    Infinity Member

    What is company specific time series? why are we being examined on something which the IFoA has no control over.
  9. Calm

    Calm Ton up Member

    The data analyzed belongs to some company as they wish to find seasonal trends, stochastic trends and etc. so that they can make accurate predictions for future data and hence know what measures to take in response to these predictions.

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