CAA Exam Support

Discussion in 'CAA' started by Interestec, Mar 14, 2019.

  1. Interestec

    Interestec Keen member

    Hi I am just wondering for people who are currently doing CAA what kind of exam support in terms of study days and/or pay increases for passes that your company provides you with if any? I am trying to ask for days and exam increases in line with the preliminary modules but would be great to see what other companies are doing in this regard. Thanks in advance!
    George Kudzai likes this.
  2. Tim.Sullivan

    Tim.Sullivan Member

    In my company the CAA study route is not well supported; you would get similar support as for insurance related qualifications (so a few study days and a small bonus for an exam pass). A pay increase for qualifying is unlikely unless it is part of your contract and/or directly related your job and recognised that way. I would caveat though that I work in a consulting firm and not an insurance company; experience there might be very different.
    George Kudzai and Interestec like this.

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