Exam order

Discussion in 'General study / exams' started by Camdown, Sep 21, 2018.

  1. Camdown

    Camdown Member

    Hi everyone,

    I have recently finish the CTs and would like to get people's thoughts on the best order to do the later exams.
    I work in life insurance so I was thinking of doing SP1, SP2, SA2 then CP1.
    I figured I'd fit in CP2&3 along the way with the SPs.

    One concern I have is leaving CP1 to last.
    How essential is it to have done CP1 before doing the rest of the later exams?
  2. Tarbuck

    Tarbuck Member

    Not essential but probably useful! I work in GI so I did CA1, ST7, ST8 and SA3 and I found there was a lot of repeated material/ exam technique across the 4 subjects - all of them had sections on data, regulation, the market, the products, the professional guidance, modelling....with the same exam technique of point generation across a breadth of areas and picking up on key words.

    I certainly think you can do the later ones first but with CA1 (CP1?) covering a much wider area but in lower detail some might say its a better place to start and then get more specialised? On the other hand I found it the most demotivating exam just because of the quantity of notes, especially since it is low level and wordy it is really dry reading, so maybe you'd have more motivation if you knew it was the last one to go?
  3. Muppet

    Muppet Member

    I agree with Tarbuck. It's swings and roundabouts. Personally would err on the side of CP1 first, whilst you have the energy to study the mammoth beast it is. It's not that difficult - just long. But SA2 is pretty long too. I did ST2/SA2 together at the end - which required some commitment, but had that extra motivation of knowing they would be the last ones.

    You're about to face a longer winter session - so perfect for CP1. Though don't hang around.
  4. Camdown

    Camdown Member

    Thanks for your feedback Tarbuck.

    I guess the main reason why I want to do it last is mostly mental. I've heard from many colleagues that it was the worst exam to do because it was so broad and vague. Also it seems to be a very easy one to get stuck on. That being said I'm sure the same goes for any of these exams but I'm focused on CA1 as it is the largest exam to have to resit.

    My reasoning for leaving it to last is so that if something like that were to happen I wouldn't lose my motivation as it would be the very last exam I'd ever do.
  5. Deezat

    Deezat Made first post

    I am in almost the same boat as you are.

    I started clearing actuarial exams during my final Accounting year at university year studying. I have managed to cleared all CTs to date but haven't had the privilege to start practicing. I have been advised countless times to stop clearing exams as my chances of landing a diminish with every exam pass.

    I haven't been able to land a job because where I come from (Zimbabwe), actuarial jobs are hard to come by (and if they do, the employers do not seem to understand the value of actuarial exams). After a number of application rejections in our neighbouring country, it seems "I cant get a job because i have no experience", and "i have no experience because I cant get a job"

    So my dilemma is whether to clear one more or wait for that lady to call me saying "we are hiring".

    But I think I will just blow further my chances at landing a job with CP1 next April instead.

    Hopefully some day my hard work and determination will be rewarded!

    Would have suggested we sit CP1 together next April, just to maintain the momentum from the CTs!!

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