April 2016 Question 6

Discussion in 'CT6' started by Polina Hadjipanayiotou, Mar 1, 2018.

  1. Really struggling to understand the derivation of the first two parts of this question. Also watched the YouTube video but still didn't make things clear to me. could someone explain this to me?

    Thank you in advance
  2. John Lee

    John Lee ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    For the decision function you have to choose long or short - and this is based on the observation of the company outperforming or underperforming.
    So you should now be able to work through the 2*2 = 4 possible decision functions.
    Post back you solution and then I'll take you through the next step which requires me knowing which function is which.
  3. thank you very much for the reply. my decision functions are:

    θ1: outperform - θ2:underperform
    d1 long - long
    d2 long - short
    d3 short - short
    d4 short - long
  4. John Lee

    John Lee ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    Apologies for the severe delay.

    Next we need to calculate the risk function. This is just the expected return:

    E(return) = probability * return

    We are told in the question the expected returns based on our decision and the state of nature (success, failure):

    company is success company is failure
    we choose long +100% -75%
    we choose short -50% +50%

    So let's work logically through every combination.

    Suppose that the company is a success.
    Then there is a 60% chance that it outperformed and thus a 40% chance it underperformed.

    So for d1 we have E(return) = 60% * +100% + 40% * +100% = 100%
    (as in each case we choose long and the return is 100% for long when the company is a success)

    For d2 we have E(return) = 60% * +100% + 40% * -50% = 40%
    (60% of the time the successful company outperforms and we choose long which gives 100% return, 40% of the time the successful company underperforms and we choose short which gives -50% return).

    Similarly we get:
    For d3 we have E(return) = 60% * -50% + 40% * +100% = 10%
    For d4 we have E(return) = 60% * -50% + 40% * -50% = -50%

    Suppose that the company is a failure.
    Then there is 40% chance that it outperformed and thus a 60% chance it underperformed.

    So for d1 we have E(return) = 60% * -75% + 40% * -75% = -75%
    (as in each case we choose long and the return is -75% for long when the company is a failure)

    For d2 we have E(return) = 60% * -75% + 40% * +50% = -25%
    (60% of the time the successful company outperforms and we choose long which gives 100% return, 40% of the time the successful company underperforms and we choose short which gives -50% return).

    Similarly we get:
    For d3 we have E(return) = 60% * +50% + 40% * -75% = 0%
    For d4 we have E(return) = 60% * +50% + 40% * +50% = +50%

    Put these E(returns) in a table of decision (long/short) against states of nature (success/failure) and then you can apply minimax or Bayes like in other questions.
  5. Terence Ting

    Terence Ting Member

    Hey John - this doesn't match the model answers given in the examiners' report. Can you check?
  6. John Lee

    John Lee ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    Our d3 and d4 are labelled differently. Also we have given answers as % rather than euros.

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