Marking schedule on Jargon

Discussion in 'CP3' started by KhoaDNguyen, Mar 19, 2018.

  1. KhoaDNguyen

    KhoaDNguyen Keen member

    I am looking through the marking schedule for CP3 and jargon list is broken down into Jargon and Possible jargon. What's the different between them and how are marks awarded differently?

    The marking schedule state that "Adward 6 marks if there are no techinical terms" and "4 marks if there are one unexplained technical term". So I will get 5 marks for one explained jargon? And 5.5 marks for explained possible jargon?
  2. Simon James

    Simon James ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    "Jargon" refers to words that we think are likely to be jargon in any communication on the topic in hand. "Possible jargon" means those words or phrases that might be jargon depending on how the word is used, whether it is explained/defined and what level of sophistication we are assuming for our reader.

    The marks are awarded on a sliding scale. 6 marks for no jargon. If the markers think one item of jargon is used, then only 4 marks awarded etc....
    KhoaDNguyen likes this.
  3. KhoaDNguyen

    KhoaDNguyen Keen member

    Thank you Simon, that is really clear
  4. Edwin

    Edwin Member

    I also see if you used the term COR you lost marks twice, for the jargon and for irrelevance.
  5. Simon James

    Simon James ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    You would certainly be throwing marks away by using such an abbreviation (unless you really really needed to define the term!)
  6. almost_there

    almost_there Member

    If a proper jargon list was provided by IFoA then many more people would pass...
  7. Simon James

    Simon James ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    I'm not sure how you'd define "proper jargon". As jargon is a function of your audience, it would be difficult to construct a definitive list.
  8. almost_there

    almost_there Member

    There's not that many different audiences.

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