EEV Principles

Discussion in 'SA2' started by FloWesh, Jan 31, 2017.

  1. FloWesh

    FloWesh Member

    Anyone with a mnemonic for remembering the 12 principles of European Embedded Values?
  2. FloWesh

    FloWesh Member

  3. KhoaDNguyen

    KhoaDNguyen Keen member

    I don't know if this helps but try COPPERED CONS. This is the best I can think of, the components are not in order and these are just key words to remember what each Principle is all about:

    Components (Principle 3)
    Options and Guarantees (Principle 7)
    PVIF (Principle 6)
    Participating Business (Principle 11)
    Economic Assumptions (Principle 10)
    Required Capital (Principle 5)
    EV definition (Principle 1)
    Disclosure (Principle 12)

    Covered business (Principle 2)
    Operating Assumption (Principle 9)
    New Business (Principle 8)
    Surplus (Free Surplus) (Principle 4)
    FloWesh and Willard Saopa like this.
  4. FloWesh

    FloWesh Member

    This will have to do. Been unable to come up with one myself.
    Thank you loads!
  5. Lindsay Smitherman

    Lindsay Smitherman ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    Hi - rather than just relying on a mnemonic, it might also help to think about it as follows: the first six define what the EEV is (and its components) then the next six cover, in turn: how you calculate it, what goes in (assumptions) & what comes out (disclosure).
    Shahzad nazir likes this.

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