Both UK and India at a time

Discussion in 'General study / exams' started by deepakraomore, Feb 19, 2016.

  1. deepakraomore

    deepakraomore Member

    Appearing both inst. CT Exams at a time.
    This saves time ( if pass at least in one ).
    Whatever passing combination ex. 3 India, 5 UK. etc...
    1) Is it accepted by the employer?
    2) how exemption works for both the institute.
    expecting reply from the members who are actually doing/did.
  2. bystander

    bystander Member

    Personally I don't see why you would potentially want to double up. I can't see any employer wanting to fund two exams in what is effectively the same subject, particularly with the mathematical papers.
  3. aditya

    aditya Member

    It does save up time. You would also be well prepared for the Indian diet bcoz it would generally fall after the UK one. I personally found the Indian exams for CT4 and 8 and STs less conceptually intensive as compared to UK so could clear from both when I was well prepared for UK.
    Downside is you will have to pay for your exams like Malik said. I paid for my Indian exams as the UK ones are costlier. There are no issues with exemption except in case of CA2
  4. Epsilon7

    Epsilon7 Keen member

    I tried to register with the Indian Institute and was asked to take and entrance exam despite having passed 8 CT with IFOA Uk.
    Also I was informed that this test could not be exempted in any way, so I gave up.

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