CP3 Word count changes

Hi Calm
For all queries about the exams process, you'll need to contact the IFoA. Contact details are on their website.
I couldn't access the paper too until about 10.20. I emailed IFOA and they told me they emailed me the paper on my "preferred email address" but I received nothing via email. Had to keep refreshing the website and eventually about 10.20 I was able to download it. I also didn't realise they gave these 20 minutes back in the end and I rushed to submit my paper at 1pm. Was so gutted afterwards that I had an extra 20 minutes I could have made good use of! The whole exam situation was so stressful because of this.. I'm so surprised this was not anticipated, with measures put in place but I'm more surprised that their website couldn't handle a few hundreds people trying to log in at the same time! If you're gna make an exam online, you have to prepare for it, and it's not like it's the first sitting! There are no excuses for making students like myself more stressed than we already are (with no faults of ours).. Pathetic! Just simply really pathetic!
I couldn't access the paper too until about 10.20. I emailed IFOA and they told me they emailed me the paper on my "preferred email address" but I received nothing via email. Had to keep refreshing the website and eventually about 10.20 I was able to download it. I also didn't realise they gave these 20 minutes back in the end and I rushed to submit my paper at 1pm. Was so gutted afterwards that I had an extra 20 minutes I could have made good use of! The whole exam situation was so stressful because of this.. I'm so surprised this was not anticipated, with measures put in place but I'm more surprised that their website couldn't handle a few hundreds people trying to log in at the same time! If you're gna make an exam online, you have to prepare for it, and it's not like it's the first sitting! There are no excuses for making students like myself more stressed than we already are (with no faults of ours).. Pathetic! Just simply really pathetic!

I had the same experience! I did receive the initial email about word count changes but not the paper. After 10:10 I called/emailed them but couldn’t get through.

They have asked me to submit a mitigation form so hopefully the mark gets adjusted:

All the best
Around 1400 people sat this last time, so more than a few hundred but the IFOA know how busy the website will be so aren’t sure why they keep having issues.
Well, in April sitting, the website also had issues and the exam was emailed. This time around I got the paper via email as well as the website was completely frozen at 9.59 am due to everyone login in. Basically, emailing the paper is not a great solution as some people may have email issues which sometimes happens out of their control due to some server problems. I can't believe how many people lost time, got confused or stressed out about getting this paper downloaded and uploaded. How is it going to be factored into the marking schedule?
We just sat an exam without understanding how the marking scheme has changed. In my opinion, apart from the paragraph about the word count 2 days before an exam, we should have been emailed the new version of the marking scheme.
I remember this time last year when CP3 had errors in the pre-reading materials and we were told it would be resolved via mitigating circumstances. However I received no further detail of what adjustments would be made or how. I think it's unwise for people to just assume and should demand details sooner rather than later.
Well, in April sitting, the website also had issues and the exam was emailed. This time around I got the paper via email as well as the website was completely frozen at 9.59 am due to everyone login in. Basically, emailing the paper is not a great solution as some people may have email issues which sometimes happens out of their control due to some server problems. I can't believe how many people lost time, got confused or stressed out about getting this paper downloaded and uploaded. How is it going to be factored into the marking schedule?
on your email that you got what cohort # does it have for you?

I like a few others never received the paper and hence didn't know about the extra 20 mins at the end. This whole situation is a mess.
My cohort was from 10 am to 13.00. Where is the cohort number?

I guess the marking scheme will be made available when the results are published .... we should have known where did the 5 marks went before writing the exam
Surely these are matters to be put to the IFoA's "Putting things right" process, which deals with service standards. Now's the time to establish what adjustments to marks they are prepared to give.
Surely these are matters to be put to the IFoA's "Putting things right" process, which deals with service standards. Now's the time to establish what adjustments to marks they are prepared to give.

Good call, thanks.
I also wonder where did the other 5 marks go for the "chart".
There's no need to wait until anyone has been marked before IFoA can determine what the adjustments should be. It should be clearly itemised in the mark breakdowns.
The email did not have a cohort info.

What was the subject line? Did it have something like "CP3 14 September 2018 attached exam paper - cohort #"
That's where the cohort number is

I also wonder where did the other 5 marks go for the "chart".

One thing is thought - it's 5 marks for charts and tables - I know that I did some tables so the marks probably go for that.

I don't even know what they can do about the marks, like you said some people knew about the changes, others didn't. Some people got the exam by email - others including myself didn't. I'd say they will have to offer refunds for this exam - obv not ideal in any way shape as it delays one qualifying.
What was the subject line? Did it have something like "CP3 14 September 2018 attached exam paper - cohort #"
That's where the cohort number is

One thing is thought - it's 5 marks for charts and tables - I know that I did some tables so the marks probably go for that.

I don't even know what they can do about the marks, like you said some people knew about the changes, others didn't. Some people got the exam by email - others including myself didn't. I'd say they will have to offer refunds for this exam - obv not ideal in any way shape as it delays one qualifying.

I was COHORT 1.

I've sent my complaint to IOA about CP3.

I din't include the chart (as per instructions) nor did I include a table....man have I just failed again due to not including the table and loosing 5 marks?

Including a table would in my opinion not help me explain the topic and would have been too technical.
I'd say they will have to offer refunds for this exam

Yes they should but judging by past behaviour I very much doubt that will happen. I predict at best some vague promise in a newsletter of adjusting marks to make up for these blunders.
I was COHORT 1.

I've sent my complaint to IOA about CP3.

I din't include the chart (as per instructions) nor did I include a table....man have I just failed again due to not including the table and loosing 5 marks?

Including a table would in my opinion not help me explain the topic and would have been too technical.

Well when I say table - I listed the information used in the calculations in a table as thought this was the clearest way of doing it instead of paragraphs.

Yes they should but judging by past behaviour I very much doubt that will happen. I predict at best some vague promise in a newsletter of adjusting marks to make up for these blunders.

Well I know for CA2 a few years back they gave refunds or allowed you to sit the exam at another date outside the exam season due to some technical issue - I can't remember what the issue was but I'm sure there was some thread here at the time.
The online exams are so much more expensive than most other exams. Given that some people have to self-finance these costs, it is just such a shame that the exams don't run as expected to. Not to mention that someone might loose 6 months of their life and lost income due to delay in qualifying.
BTW, how many cohorts were there? Maybe creating more cohorts is the solution to the IT failure on the IOA part?
BTW, how many cohorts were there? Maybe creating more cohorts is the solution to the IT failure on the IOA part?

I've heard of a cohort 5, so at least 5 I'm guessing, but like everyone did the exam at the same time, I just saw someone's email that said cohort 4, and they got the email and yours said 1 and got the email, I'm guessing for some reason one cohort of students didn't get the email or a group of students for some reason where not on the email distribution list. I don't know why anyone would be split up by cohorts.