Recent content by kze

  1. K

    Analysis of surplus ch 16

    Can anyone help me to understand the calculation? 1. Why do we project forward asset and liability to the end of year using start of year valuation assumptions? Looks like these figures are not used for the surplus breakdown? 2. In part (ii) the liability at the start of year is 4.09m. Why is...
  2. K

    Naming of the file: conflicting instructions from IFoA

    I just got a response from them (that was pretty quick!) Apparently my script will still be marked as long as it's saved and uploaded within the allocated time. Yes I agree that they should have highlighted this. My heart almost fell when I thought I was going to be penalized.
  3. K

    PST Stage 2: Online Professionalism Course

    How many sessions are available in a year? I checked that the next available session is in September. Will there be another one in the same year after this September session?
  4. K

    Investigation into possible plagiarism

    if the question is "list the purpose of underwriting", which is clearly bookwork and I make my own list out of memory (not word for word)... do I need to make reference such as "IFoA SPx Core Reading 2020, Unit x, Pagex, Paragraph x"?
  5. K

    Projection to midpoint of usuage

    Hi Anna, Sorry that was a typo. Should have been 1/7/2021 instead of 1/1/2021. The example above is a lot clearer to me now. Thanks!
  6. K

    Projection to midpoint of usuage

    The notes say that assumptions used for pricing must stay valid for an average of expected shelf-life of propose premium rates + expected duration of policy to termination or to next review date. And then there's an example: Suppose claim incidence rates have been estimated that apply on...
  7. K

    Commission as a proportion to sum insured

    I see.. thanks both for the input!
  8. K

    Investigation into possible plagiarism

    "For example, it could be as simple as IFoA SA7 Core Reading 2020, Unit 2, Page13, Paragraph 3.4" is too much.. how are we expected to make detailed reference such as the above with limited time??
  9. K

    Commission as a proportion to sum insured

    Hi all, Page 12 of Chapter 8 ".. commission may be proportion to the sum insured, which better reflects an insurer's preference for higher sums at risk as source of profit". Why is higher sum at risk (sum assured - reserves) preferred and how is it a better source of profit when commission is...
  10. K

    Investigation into possible plagiarism

    I'm curious about this too. Is the result finalised once you've received the results letter?
  11. K

    FAP from SOA

    Hi, I thought exemptions for SOA was only applicable for those who passed the exam before Dec 2018/2019. Has the eligibility been updated recently and when?
  12. K

    Exam Day submissions

    Hi guys, Have any of you saved your submission file after the 3 hours and 15 minutes but submitted within the 15 minutes after the allocated exam time?
  13. K

    CP1 Exam

    hello there, no I don't think I am.. what about yourself?
  14. K

    CP1 Exam

    Hi guys, I did not sit for the exam but would like to know for those who did, may I know long did you guys take to prepare for the exam? Is it too late to start preparing for the September 2019 sitting now? :oops:
  15. K

    SPs or CP1 first?

    Hi all. I have sat for SP1 exam earlier this month and while waiting for the results, I can't decide whether to proceed with CP1 or SP1 (or any other SPs). I think I should really start my study plan as soon as possible especially if I'm taking CP1 but I do not know my results which makes...