Judgment Day

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Not saying that at all, just curious why you haven't asked them, I'm sure they'd love to tell you all about it.
Not saying that at all, just curious why you haven't asked them, I'm sure they'd love to tell you all about it.
ok then - I'll keep my eyes peeled for news breaking. You reckon BBC or CNN will be the first to carry the story?
Are you shy as well as proud? Ask IFoA then tell us all about it.
Caution posters - whistleblower and almost_there are advocating taking legal action without being able to answer a simple question of whether they have entered litigation with the IFoA and the outcome! A case of "do as I say not as I do" if ever there was one.

Also very odd that no-one has mentioned the outcome of the judgment from yesterday... perhaps indicating that they are disappointed at the outcome. Or perhaps they have taken a different more conservative approach rather than shouting from the rooftops...
I hear that joining a professional body based in another country from where you work is a very common thing to do these days....

Indeed, most IFoA students are non-UK... for now anyway. It remains to be seen whether Indian students stick around if IFoA dissolve the discriminatory arrangements....
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Indeed, most IFoA students are non-UK... for now anyway. It remains to be seen whether Indian students stick around if IFoA dissolve the discriminatory arrangements....
Must be recognition of how the qualificatiin is perceived as a "gold standard" :)
I think the primary reason so many Indian students joined is to double up their exam chances.
Hey Proud actuary, let's work out some numbers, I'm sure you will enjoy that since you are an actuary. There are around 6,000 Indian student actuaries in IFoA. If they're on reduced rate subscription of £73 then that's £438,000 subs. How many exams do they take each year with IFoA in your estimation, Proud?
Most of the IFOA membership is from foreign countries (mainly India).

That's correct, the growth in student membership, the lion's share of it is down to students from India. In each annual report we hear Mr Cribb and others boast of this increase in student membership. It's fair to question in light of the Court judgment whether so many would have joined IFoA if it didn't provide them with the extra exam opportunities. Elsewhere on the internet we see Indian students openly advise each other to join IFoA to sit exams with it as well as IAI, despite the fact that sitting exams with IFoA costs them 2.5 times more. They even advise to sit some exams with IFoA and others with IAI due to different pass rates for certain exams, to maximise chances of passing. These students are not doing anything wrong, what they do is clever and strategic, taking advantage of the opportunity put to them by IFoA that was denied to British students.
Hi everyone

Although I browse this great forum, (which helped me pass many of the CTs - Thanks) I have never posted here and therefore I am taking a bit of a leap by starting a thread as my first post.

I just read the Daily Mail article about the IFoA’s anti British racism and was disgusted by their (those that run the IFoA) apparent disregard for their British members.

Why did they (those that run the IFoA) ever think it was correct to treat British nationals less favourably than Indian nationals?

The IFoA’s management and executive doesn’t represent me.

Whether or not members are qualified, most if not nearly all of the actuaries I have met to date and worked with are decent people. (The same cannot be said about those that earn huge salaries in banking.)

Many are sticklers for the rules. That is why we are generally seen as a safe pair of hands. (and why we sign passports and bankers do not;))

Those that run our profession do us an injustice. They certainly do not represent me or many others.

We devote significant chunks of our adult lives to pursue the qualification.

To find out that the body that we entrusted to confer that qualification is behaving in this manner is disgusting. It makes me sick to the bottom of my stomach.

It is an insult to be governed by those that let this happen.

Why have the profession not taken action against those responsible?

How can we ever trust those involved in this shameful debacle?

Those responsible must resign.

We need a thorough expose of what actually happened. Not just the court judgement.

Finally, I congratulate the claimant for putting up a fight to get justice.
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