UK internship



Is it possible to get internship in UK for Student members of IAI? What can be eligibility criteria for the same?
Is it possible to get internship in UK for Student members of IAI? What can be eligibility criteria for the same?

I saw IItians get internship globally including US/UK.
So, It is not impossible to get internship in the UK for IAI's student.
But VISA problem!!!!:eek:
you should try to mail UK Actuarial Firms/Companies about it, if you get it let me/us know:D
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Is it possible to get internship in UK for Student members of IAI? What can be eligibility criteria for the same?

I really don't think so. If that were true,you'd find most of them hopping on the next flight to either London or New York.Your only option would be be to do a course in actuarials such as B.Sc or a post grad diploma and then seek an internship.
Think from the employers perspective. What do you have to offer that local candidates don't that makes you worth the extra cost, effort and hassle?
Think from the employers perspective. What do you have to offer that local candidates don't that makes you worth the extra cost, effort and hassle?

Forget migrating and getting internship in UK, even if you complete MS from some UK university, it you are a foreign student, you may be asked to go back and find job in your home country. Read some time back that UK education board and govt. is thinking of passing rules like these.